Thought this was a funny cartoon. Sums up the digital generation we are teaching. Most kids are more familiar with social media [and pop culture] then with the basics of a particular subject. Teachers must be in the know [of technology] to help make that connection to the student when learning something new.
This article that I read recently gave the impression that implementing iPads to students from backgrounds of poverty can solve problems - never really stating what this problem was.

As we all know there are districts that can afford to upgrade their technologies in the classrooms and those who cannot. "A tablet rollout of this scale would be a hefty undertaking for any school district, but it is especially ambitious in this Coachella Valley Unified, which estimates that about 90% of students live in poverty." Then the District Superintendent went on to say, "This widespread poverty only makes the iPad initiative more necessary." Yes, I believe that tablets and iPads will help foster a more interactive  learning environment, but it certainly will not solve poverty. In my opinion, there is very little connection between the two. Also, it is important for the faculty to be trained on how to incorporate technology in the most practical way in order for it to be effective in the classroom. This was one of the issues that my classmates voiced during our Google Hangout the other night, that they are giving the new technology or have SmartBoards in their classroom but are not given much guidance on how it works.

The article then concluded with "kids love these things, they will be engaged.." Gadgets are cool and fun to 'play' with, but if a plan is not developed before the iPads get into the kids hands, then unfortunately they will still have low performance because they will be forced to study and learn through the old age approach - textbooks.

What do you think?


I created this Wordle to illustrate the theory behind Connectivism by George Seimens. "Connectivism is a theory describing how learning happens in the digital age." As a learner in the 21st Century, I can attest that my ideas are constantly flowing and changing based on new information I am presented with in my daily life and interactions.